
Trading expert Neerav Vadera of G7FX Professional Trading reveals insights into how markets move

Trader Neerav (NV) from G7FX

Neerav Vadera, also known as NV is a former Barclays Investment Bank trader and is helping new traders become successful in the highly competitive financial industry and Forex trading markets.

Having worked in Canary Wharf and studied the intricacies of institutional trading and investing for the past 17 years, Neerav decided to set up a training programme called G7FX to teach the next generation of traders the ins and outs – without them having to opt-in to a full-time career.

With investment banking going through a fundamental shift, and as London re-establishes its financial footprint in a post-Brexit world, many new traders are about to see large structural changes that could affect their careers for the coming decade. Many are looking at new ways of working, and some, away from the big cities where they can pursue their passion for finance on a part-time basis.

As a professional trader, Neerav Vadera has worked with a number of high profile and prestigious customers, and no day on the job has been the same. Over the past decade, he has cultivated an in-depth knowledge of institutional Forex & Futures trading as well as advised central banks and hedge funds. Having seen some of the biggest market disrupting events of a generation including the 2008-2009 global financial crisis, and most recently the impact of the pandemic on global trade, he’s seen how the impact has affected institutions at a global level – along with their repercussions.

Creating G7FX trading and educating new traders

Following on from his experiences, he developed a comprehensive new online course, the G7FX professional trading education programme, which shows some of the strategies implemented by the world’s leading financial institutions that help them make profitable investments. The training also provides insights into the global foreign exchange market, where his time in London saw him working with the world’s leading proprietary trading firms, with access to 10% of the entire global foreign exchange which accounts for up to $5 trillion in assets at any one time.

“Discovering what makes markets move is one of the main aspects covered in the G7FX Foundation Course. It’s such an important thing for new traders to know – you need to learn the fundamental driving forces before you start investing money,” said Neerav.

With so many fundamental aspects to global markets and trading, new traders are struggling to come to terms with how they can be successful outside the context of global banks and leading investment businesses.

As private traders, there are numerous hurdles that Neerav’s training sheds light on, which has helped some of the programme’s early adopters find a path to success through a number of strategic lessons and ongoing market insight. 

Addressing traditional trading education

When developing the G7FX Foundation course, Neerav looked at a variety of existing trading platforms online, but found that a large majority were focused on encouraging new traders to spend significant amounts of money at an early stage of their skills development. In addition, some of the market fundamentals taught in current trading courses did not cater to private investors that were seeking to experiment and find sustainable ways of growing their income. This was also compounded by the fact that training programmes themselves were not detailed enough and did not provide specific guidance to direct new traders on how and when they should make investments.

Another part of the problem in traditional training according to Neerav has been that retail brokers, signal services and educators have been more focused on maximising profit per student taking the course without providing a long-term benefit which would enable new traders to build a profitable career for themselves.

Discussing the scope of training courses available prior to launching his own programme, Neerav highlighted that “Typically, these courses encourage you to start spending money from day one; at the professional level, however, you’re not allowed to touch real funds for up to a year. This is because senior traders understand that learning any skill takes time, so they wait until you can prove your profitability before trusting you to invest actual money.”

As it is increasingly competitive to enter the traditional investment banking sector, many professionals lack the awareness and understanding of global market movements, which is one of the drawbacks for private investors that have yet to really grasp the full picture of global trade.

Within the context of risk management, another key element in trading and making strategic investments, Neerav recommends that new traders look at learning about calculating expected returns and investing only in limited amounts to begin with.

“It’s not the most exciting part of trading, but it is a vital one. Incorporating risk management techniques makes sure you don’t blow all the money in your account, and turns what could have been a disastrous mistake into a mere learning experience.” This part of the course is emphasised in great detail, which Neerav wanted to make clear due to the drawbacks and potential risks that can occur when starting out a trading career with little to no market knowledge.

For new traders, the G7FX professional trading programme is a starting step for those curious about how markets move and what it takes to become a good investor, with a cautious approach. As businesses are also affected by longterm market factors, there are a number of nuances that have to be understood when traders approach their investments, and this has been one of the key lessons that Neerav has learned in his career with institutional investment banks.

With his course now being offered online for new students, Neeravis encourages new traders to build their foundation of skills so they can get the right blueprint and approach to investing to take their careers on the right trajectory. The course also emphasises on trading with simulated money while learning new skills. This applies for people that are just starting, and also those that have already had some trading experience and want to explore further skillsets.

As the City of London seeks to move away from the former European Union regulations, there are a number of opportunities within finance that could re-shape institutional investing and investing for private traders alike in the coming years.

Have you been learning trading online? What has been your experience? Share your opinions with us.

In association with G7FX trading

Financial disclaimer: Financial trading, in particular the use of leveraged products is extremely risky & can result in losses that exceed your initial deposit. Suitable advice should be obtained before you commence trading in the financial markets.

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